Motion Shots

I’ll be honest when I say it had been a while since my last photoshoot. I’ve lost a little creative edge getting used to very posed and uniform portraits. I’m slowly working my way back on the saddle with more creative shots. I scheduled a shoot with a mutual friend and we came up with a few ideas of how to capture and freeze motion.

Freeze Motion

Feet in the Creek 5/2/16 5:50 P.M. Rexburg, Idaho 50 mm f/2.8 1/500 sec ISO 100
Feet in the Creek
5:50 P.M.
Rexburg, Idaho
50 mm
1/500 sec
ISO 100
Flipping Out 5/2/16 6:43 P.M. Rexburg, Idaho 50 mm f/2.8 1/640 sec 320 ISO
Flipping Out
6:43 P.M.
Rexburg, Idaho
50 mm
1/640 sec
320 ISO

Blur Motion

The first image is of the friends from the previously mentioned shoot, but the second was a last minute shot where I had my camera on hand while walking by the snow building. I asked a the guy drumming if I could take a photo and he kindly agreed. I felt afraid of coming across as a creep, so thank goodness for cool guys like him.

Vintage Bike Ride 5/2/16 6:35 P.M. Rexburg, Idaho 42 mm f/5.6 1/100 sec ISO 100
Vintage Bike Ride
6:35 P.M.
Rexburg, Idaho
42 mm
1/100 sec
ISO 100



Practicing Drummer Boy 5/3/16 5:06 P.M. Rexburg, Idaho 50 mm f/10 1/8 sec I used a cement wall to steady the camera
Practicing Drummer Boy
5:06 P.M.
Rexburg, Idaho
50 mm
1/8 sec
I used a cement wall to steady the camera

3 thoughts on “Motion Shots

  1. I loved your photos! I really liked the one with the girl kicking up the water! I felt that one was nice! I also liked the dumping one how you can tell he was drumming fast. Great job on your photos!


  2. Brooks I love your photos. My favorite is definitely the drummer with the two girls walking in the background. I sort of love that we can’t see his face. I like the composition. I also love the first one with the girl spraying the water with her feet. Very creative.
    Here’s a link to another photographer that I think you will like:


  3. Hey, great job brooks. You got some awesome pics here. The fact that you got a model and planned a shoot shows that put some time into this project. You second photo is for sure my favorite. It is a creative angle that has some really cool motion. I also like that you shot into the sun in the second photo. On sunny days shooting into the sun can make for some cool photos.


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