Depth of Field

Shallow Depth of Field

I find myself using shallow depth of field more than deep. I use it mainly in portraits, but I chose to explore different ways of using it in an abstract way. The first photo is a demonstration of shallow depth of field with portraits the rest pushed me to use more creativity. All of the photos were edited in Lightroom slightly increasing the exposure and shadows, decreasing highlights, sharpening, and bumping up the contrast.

Floral Engagement 5-6-16 6:15 p.m. BYU-I Campus 50 mm f/2.0 1/320 sec Canon EOS 60D
Floral Engagement
6:15 p.m.
BYU-I Campus
50 mm
1/320 sec
Canon EOS 60D
Dead Flower Close Up 5-4-2016 3:50 p.m. BYU-I Campus 50 mm f/1.4 1/640 sec Canon EOS 60D
Dead Flower Close Up
3:50 p.m.
BYU-I Campus
50 mm
1/640 sec
Canon EOS 60D
Abstract Bark 5-4-16 3:45 p.m. BYU-I Campus 50 mm f/1.4 1/400 sec Canon EOS 60D
Abstract Bark
3:45 p.m.
BYU-I Campus
50 mm
1/400 sec
Canon EOS 60D
Lights and Rain Drops 5-7-16 1:30 a.m. Rexburg, Idaho 31 mm f/2.8 1.6 sec Steadied camera on dashboard of car
Lights and Rain Drops
1:30 a.m.
Rexburg, Idaho
31 mm
1.6 sec
Steadied camera on dashboard of car

Deep Depth of Field

I rarely use deep depth of field, but that’s because I generally am hired to do portraits. Landscapes aren’t my strong point, but diving into something different is good for me. Makes me think more about my composition and surrounding elements while framing the shot.

Branch in the Water 5-10-16 8:40 p.m. Rexburg 17 mm f/22 3.2 sec Shot with a tripod
Branch in the Water
8:40 p.m.
17 mm
3.2 sec
Shot with a tripod
Pipe and the Pond 5-10-16 8:45 p.m. Rexburg 17 mm f/22 3.2 sec Shot on a tripod
Pipe and the Pond
8:45 p.m.
17 mm
3.2 sec
Shot on a tripod
Swampy Pond 5-10-16 8:50 p.m. Rexburg 17mm f/22 3.2 sec Shot with a tripod
Swampy Pond
8:50 p.m.
3.2 sec
Shot with a tripod

2 thoughts on “Depth of Field

  1. Nice work with all your pictures. I really liked the different shots you got and the angles you got. I thought your deep depth pictures were great. It’s really hard to be able to make pictures interesting like that but I think you did a good job. I like the abstract tree one as well because it’s a very different take on trees.
    Check out this blog too!


  2. Brooks, I love the variety that you have in your shallow depth shots. You have great composition in the engagement photo, as well as the “dead flower close up” photo (that photo title cracked me up, by the way! haha). The water/light shot is really fun to look at… love the colors.

    Speaking of water and light, here is a link to Clark Little’s photography! He has some great photos involving water and light.


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