Composition – Perspective of 12

As I searched for a subject to photograph with different angles and perspectives my thoughts went to product photography. I remembered a watch I owned that tended to bring a lot of attention because of it’s bold appearance. While I used a model for the shoot with the watch I kept his face out of the pictures to bring more focus to the product. the shoot required me to find different ways to show off the product and using different angles did the trick.

Composition Collage_Web

Photos in Collage

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Photos Outside of Collage

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Texture Blend Photos

Image Blend

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Texture from

I blended the two above images in photoshop. I created a background copy and blurred the wood. With the texture image I used a mask to make the watch appear above it. I decreased the opacity of the texture slightly as well as burned and dodged to create highlights and shadows. I applied gaussian blur to the texture and with a mask I created a sense of depth of field to make it more realistic.

4 thoughts on “Composition – Perspective of 12

  1. These look so crazy professional, you did an amazing job! I love the interesting subject you chose and all the different perspectives look great. The one where you put in the different texture also looks awesome, it looks totally realistic. Everything looks like it came straight out of a real magazine ad, so cool!
    Here’s a link to more info on perspective:


  2. Good Lord these are so good. Not only are the photographs great but the collage is awesome too. I feel like this is the double spread in GQ or something. So friggin good! Good use of the area around you without showing too much background where we get sick of the I-Center. Genius!

    Check out my page… even though you already did.

    Liked by 1 person

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