Photobook: Finish

Over the last three months I dived back into photography. Previously, I photographed weddings and engagements. I invested much of my time into developing a portfolio focused on wedding photography. there is nothing against weddings and engagements, but I was reminded of what I missed. It had been three years since practiced photography. Three years since I took a photo for fun. Three years where I decided how the subject looked.

This book contains the journey of me returning to what I love. I’ve missed this. It’s funny, because I’ve even had times where I ran away from it. I thought photography was just a hobby, and I wouldn’t have time for hobbies anymore. The short amount of time hiding from my passion felt empty and unfulfilling. Covering weddings helped, but it wasn’t satisfying. I love weddings because I capture memories, but there’s a difference when I photograph something of my choice. Ansel Adams said, “You don’t take a photograph. You make it.”

I’m done taking photographs. I want to make it.

Front Cover


Featured Images From the Photo Book

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