Visual Society Contest

BYU-Idaho’s Visual Society offers contests and opportunities for students to learn and teach each other about photography, videography, and graphic design. July 13th they held a contest with the theme “Memories.” I submitted the photo of the Indian in the Book, and I have posted about this photo at least a billion and a half times, so I won’t bother blabbing about it too much other than it was a composite of two images I shot in Bannack, Montana at Bannack Ghost Town.

1/80 sec f/1.6 ISO 160 50 mm 6-3-16 1:52 p.m. Bannack, Montana
Click on photo to view post about the process.

The photo above fit the idea of memories the most out of the photos I had taken throughout the semester, so naturally I submitted it into the contest. The Contest was held July 13 and I the photo places 2nd in the judge’s choice.

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