Tutorial: Sharpening Images

You know the excited feeling you get when you print a photo you took? I eagerly wait for the printer to push spray the ink on the paper so you can show it off to friends and family. You snatch the paper from the tray after it prints, or pick it up from the store after they printed it for you, and when you open it up it’s not what you had hoped. You see it isn’t as in focus as you thought. It was focused on the screen on the back of the camera and the computer so why did it happen?

It’s not out of focus per say, but you realize it’s not as crisp as you had liked. Photoshop helps us out with this problem with options of sharpening our images. I find it especially beneficial with portraits. I want the eyes to be sharp and clear on the screen and on paper, so sharpening in photoshop allows me to do that.

Here is a link to my How to Tutorial in PDF form to break down the simple process in a few short steps.

Here’s the original photo used in the PDF and Video Tutorials.

5-2-16 Rexburg 45 mm f/2.8 1/250 sec Canon EOS 60D
45 mm
1/250 sec
Canon EOS 60D


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